no action
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Mon Sep 20 11:08:00 EDT 1999
Hey there's a tropical depression right out in the Gulf; help yourself.
We don't need it and the Carolinas have declared against it. Tennessee,
however, claims to be thirsty.
A pity that moderation doesn't seem to be a consideration.
I hope that, as the waters recede, folks will take plenty of field
Do y'all figure this could be ecologically beneficial? Or is the water
so polluted that we're worse off in the long run?
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
"Chris J. Durden" wrote:
> Anne,
> Here in Central Texas we are still waiting for our September monsoon
> rains to start. We need these to perk up our October butterfly season which
> is usually our most diverse. Please don't hog all the rain.
> Numbers are down at the moment. Many *Lerema accius* - CLOUDED SKIPPERS
> as usual, some *Amblyscyrtes celia* - CELIA'S WAYSIDE SKIPPER, a few
> *Heraclides cresphontes* - GIANT SWALLOWTAILS (and some of them are, after
> feeding on my rue), a few *Acterocampa antonia* - EMPRESS ANTONIA and
> little else, as the grass is bleached straw.
> ........Chris Durden
> At 08:41 20/09/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >Well, I'm a bit subdued, having seen all my friends on the East Coast
> >apparently loading their chicks and children into rowboats. And more
> >rain on the way.
> >Weather Channel is pretty scary.
> >Plenty of zebra longwings flying; not much else.
> >It would be nice to hear from the rest of you.
> >Best of luck
> >Anne Kilmer
> >South Florida
> >Gary Anweiler wrote:
> >>
> >> No messages lately - is the newsgroup down ???
> >> Gary Anweiler, Edmonton Alberta
> >
> >
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