Whats wrong with this picture.

Anthony Cynor acynor at fullerton.edu
Wed Sep 22 12:45:46 EDT 1999


This should answer any questions.


Robert Kriegel wrote:

> Dear Leps-L members,
> Am I crazy (wait -- that's another topic) or is there something in conflict
> with these two statements.
> 1.  Both NABA and the Lep Society have been trying very hard to stop the
> releasing of butterflies at ceremonies.  It is a well intended but
> potentially detrimental practice.
> 2.  The Department of Entomology at the University of Kansas, for example,
> sells thousands of monarch caterpillars to schools around the eastern half
> of the nation every year. They even sell monarch breeding stock to more
> than half a dozen commercial monarch breeders each spring -- companies who
> in turn breed and sell the butterflies for release at ceremonial or
> memorial events.
> Is there someone on this list from U of K who can confirm or deny #2?
> As a member of Lep Soc I am very concerned if a university Entomology Dept.
> is involved in the large scale commercial sale of native butterflies.
> Particularly since this practice is in direct conflict with current efforts
> by the two largest Lep societies in the U.S.
> Bob Kriegel  <kriegelr at pilot.msu.edu>
> Dept of Entomology
> Michigan State University

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