NABA Names Committee

Sharyn Fernandez butterflies at
Sun Apr 2 04:21:38 EDT 2000

IN regard to this comment from Chris:

>  Thanks for your clarifying points. This is the way I thought it was. As
>Canadians, Mexicans and others know well, US organizations tend to ignore
>other cultural groups and come up with some fantastic constructs. That
>would not be possible in Europe. Perhaps we Americans can learn to be a
>little more cosmopolitan.

Well at somepoint I thought along the same lines, but at a recent Lep. Soc.
meeting, when I thought local lists were somehow rectified to an
international list committee, I found out that  any international list is
really based on "local" experts (makes sense). It just happens that the US
is out of proportion to Canada and Mexico, for one thing, versus countries
in Europe, so don't take it too "personally" - like there's some
unconscious bias there, or anything - I don't really think so. They are
just really trying to sort out what's "local", not to ignore input from
Mexico or Canada, are they?


Sharyn Fernandez, Concord CA
37deg..57 min N; 121 deg, 52 min. W
Butterflies & Botany
the BUG stops here!

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