Please I.D.

O.G. Marti, Jr. omarti at
Wed Apr 26 14:12:47 EDT 2000

This appears to be a sphinx moth, Xylophanes tersa  See plate 6 of Covell's 
"Field Guide to the Moths of Eastern North America".  There is also a good 
picture at

> Hello,
> Can anyone please help me? I took this picture of this really cool
> moth/butterfly in my garden last summer. It sat on my dianthus all day, it
> let me get very close to it an pretty much examine it. I thought it looked
> like a stealth bomber it was so sleek I didn't see any antenna and his wings
> laid flat that is one reason I thought it could be a moth but it wasn't
> furry it was so smooth and it didn't move. My Brother in-law and I have been
> stumped we have gone to so many I.D. pages and he even went to the library
> but no luck. I just know won of you can help me, I just don't know why I
> didn't come here before.
> Thank you Barb
> From: Illinois

Orville G. Marti, Jr., Microbiologist
PO Box 748
Tifton, GA.  31793

omarti at
Phone: 912-387-2328  (office)
Phone: 912-387-2350  (lab)
FAX  : 912-387-2321 

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