The other "other" side

James J. Kruse kruse at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Aug 3 18:47:15 EDT 2000


Dr. Walsh nicely addressed the use of references as a scientific reality,
but what sort of worries me is:

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, David Smith wrote:

> When Mr. Shuey makes a statement about farmers being worried about anything
> (drought, birds, etc.) he does not need a reference, he is the reference. 

Wow! I guess that's true in court, but for the most part this is a
scientific forum. Dr. Shuey is a respected scientist in more than one
circle, and I am obviously not the only one to think so. However,
_everyone_ needs some scientific justification sometimes, except maybe God
and subspecies. 

Jim Kruse
University of California at Berkeley
Dept. of Environ Sci, Policy and Mgmt.
Div. of Insect Biology
201 Wellman Hall
Berkeley, California, 94720-3112
Voice: (510) 642-7410    Fax: (510) 642-7428

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