Any Polyphemus moth experts?

Kurt Jacobs morphidae at
Wed Aug 16 14:19:42 EDT 2000

> I've read and heard repeatedly that in the Boston area that Polyphemus
> multiple broods

Heres some partial quotes from MONA Fascicle 20.2B(Ferguson, 1972).  "There
is definately only one breed in the North, but two in the South.  About the
latitude of Virginia, there are indications of two generations, ............
The species is reported to be partially double-brooded in Cape May County,
New Jersey(Worth, 1970).

The amount of daylight that your larvae expereinced may effect their
diapause, but maybe this species diapause is more of a genetic thing.
Possibly the Polyphemus polyphemus that had genes for double brood were
eliminated from the Canada area due to the environment.  This is just
speculation on my part, i would like to know if this has been proven through
genetic research, or if it is faculative light-controlled or temperature
controlled diapause, or something else,  in the Polyphemus polyphemus.

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