Summer Science Project-Chrysallis detachment

Tue Aug 22 08:56:14 EDT 2000

Dear Friends - I'm trying to raise my children's scientific awareness this 
summer by  trying to raise some butterflies.  We read an article on raising 
Monarchs and found the milkweed with eggs, etc.  That is going well.  
However, we also found some caterpillers on my parsley and decided to try our 
hand at these too.  Through research, we've found that they are Black 
Swallowtail cats.  One of them has already formed a chrysallis, but it became 
detached from the stick we put in the container.  The children are very 
concerned that it won't develop properly.  I tried propping it up in a corner 
but it falls over.  Also, should I continue misting the chrysallis' as they 
form?  I wasn't sure who could help us with this, and we found your web site 
and thought perhaps you would.  We would truly appreciate your advice.  Thank 
you in advance for your consideration.  Yours Truly,
                                                 Mrs. Tracey Brunetti, Kevin, 
Ryan and Luke
                                                 (JABrunetti at

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