Canada and net waving
Chris Raper
cmt.raper at
Fri Jul 28 05:23:32 EDT 2000
On 25 Jul 2000 23:11:42 -0700, janature at (John Acorn)
>my television show "Acorn The Nature Nut" has been on the air across Canada
>for five years now (and since I appear twice with a net while the theme song
>is playing),
Out of interest John, for those of us over the other side of the
'pond', what kind of show is it?
I like the sound of good publicity for nets - I find over here in the
UK there has been so much anti-net publicity that many people feel
awkward carrying them in front of strangers. Of course, anyone
interested in serious invertebrate recording should be carrying one -
if only to bring the critter near enough to see.
I was stopped only the other week by a very well meaning chap. The
conversation went something like:
Him: "You do know you are on a nature reserve don't you? I hope you're
not killing things" (pointing at my net)
Me: (in a calm & friendly manner) "Yes - I know I'm on a reserve and
Yes I am killing things. In fact I am on the reserve with the
permission of the owners for just that reason because I am surveying
the local invertebrates."
Him: "Oh ... OK ... just checking... never can be too sure..."
(looking a bit embarrased)
I then went on to explain I catch/release butterflies and only kill
other insects (parasitic flies & wasps mainly) because they have to be
examined under a microscope. I didn't have the heart to tell him how
many my Malaise trap was killing only 100m away down the path! ;-)
Best wishes,
Chris R.
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