Butterfly Garden Signs

Mary H. Shepherd mhs2 at ix.netcom.com
Sat Mar 4 11:39:57 EST 2000

I'm looking for suggestions on how to word "Please Don't Pick the
Flowers (Wildflowers)" signs for a new butterfly garden and for the
surrounding park & natural area.  I'm limited to a 6"x5" sign size that
will be placed in at least 10 separate locations throughout the park.

I particularly dislike visiting a park and seeing a list of strongly
worded negative
announcements about what I cannot do while visiting, though
unfortunately I understand the necessity.

In 2-4 short sentences, how would you suggest putting across the message
why not picking the flowers is so important?  Have you seen any
particularly well worded postings in a garden or park?   Please feel
free to respond to me directly, if you feel this is not an appropriate
subject for the discussion group. Thank you, 		Mary 
<mhs2 at ix.netcom.com>

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