Butterfly book and supplies info needed...

ornithoptera ornithoptera at infonie.fr
Thu Mar 30 16:32:39 EST 2000

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Randy Minnehan <minnehan at infinet.com> a écrit dans le message :
38E25A73.1B0156D0 at infinet.com...
> Hi everyone,
>    I am a elementary school teacher (Grade 4), and I'm looking for a few
> things for my classroom, getting ready for an in-depth exploration of
> butterflies by my students.  This is a wonderful age for engaging
> students and creating live-long interest in science.  First, I'm looking
> for a book... I was told the "bible" of professional leps is BUTTERFLIES
> OF THE WORLD by Paul Smarts.  Is this true?  I cannot seem to find any
> information on it... I guess it's out-of-print, but I cannot locate a
> copy anywhere.  Anyone know where I might be able to find a new or used
> copy of this book?  Can you suggest any other excellent butterfly books
> I might look for?  I'm not looking for books geared towards younger
> students, I'm just looking for the best reference sources available.
>    Also, I'm looking for supplies... butterfly nets, mounting boards,
> the works.  Can someone direct me to a good source, preferably with a
> web page?  Any suggestions where to locate inexpensive yet excellent
> sources for finished, prepared butterfly mounts?
>    Any help or direction would be appreciated!
>    Thanks!
>    R. Minnehan

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