I thought that biological warfare was banned under the geneva convention

Barry Metz junee.apiaries at interact.net.au
Wed May 3 04:51:48 EDT 2000

Why is this matter any different to the US use of immoral trade restrictions
and barriers to keep the alleged level playing field tilted firmly in US
Producers favour
Perhaps this plan is to give US opium cannabis and cocaine producers the
edge on the rest of the world
ant <dont-look at evil.spam> wrote in message
news:k5NP4.7356$PL4.247914 at ozemail.com.au...
> Edward Hammond wrote in message ...
> >The Sunshine Project
> >Press Release
> >2 May 2000
> >http://www.sunshine-project.org
> >
> >
> >    ***   Report Calls on the UN Biodiversity Convention   ***
> >    ***      to Stop Dangerous US Fungus Experiments       ***
> >
> >
> >(Hamburg & Seattle, 2 May 00)  In a detailed report released today, the
> >Sunshine Project, a new international non-profit dedicated to exposing
> >abuses of biotechnology, calls on the upcoming Nairobi meeting of the UN
> >Biodiversity Convention to halt the USA¹s dangerous experiments with
> >fungi designed to kill narcotic crops.
> >
> >
> <snip American biowarfare plan>
> so they will trample on their constitution, on the rights of sovereign
> nations, the anti biological warfare treaties. all burnt on the alter of a
> failed policy. the war on drugs was never what it appears to be, it was a
> means of subverting the American constitution and to impose a destructive
> and pro business agenda on the rest of the world. what right does America
> have to impose its moral standards on the rest of the world through force,
> and the Americans think that they are hated now by much of the world, if
> they go ahead with this it will unite many of Americas former allies
> against them, Europe and Australia have very strong anti American
> sentiments now, start spreading a biowarfare agent around the third world,
> what of Chinas hemp fiber crops and the cocoa plants that are used to make
> chocolate? hemp fiber plants are not illegal in most sane nations, yet the
> Americans are attempting to spread a biological agent that will destroy
> these crops. if America wants a war on drugs this might just give them
> they are threatening to impose economic sanctions against Australia if we
> continue down the path of drug law reform, there is strong public support
> in our country for a new approach. how dare America impose its moral
> standards on the rest of the world. there is no scientific basis for the
> current state of drug laws, if it was based on safety alcohol and tobacco
> would be banned and heroine and cannabis would be legalized. heroine was
> Australia's favorite over the counter pain killer until 1957 and the
> American pressure to ban the medically important substance became to much.
> if there was any doubt that America was an expansionist and imperialist
> state there is none now.
> at least the Chinese dont demand that the rest of the world obey their
> and moral standards under threat of biological warfare.

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