Scientific Name : Grammia vs. Apantesis

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Wed May 10 21:01:36 EDT 2000

	_Apantesis_ (1855) is an older name, not a newer one than _Grammia_
(1866). See the following paper:

Ferguson, Douglas C., 1985. 'Contributions toward reclassification of the
world genera of the tribe Arctiini, Part 1 -- Introduction and a revision
of the _Neoarctia-Grammia_ group (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae; Arctiinae).
Entomography 3:181-275. 

	The following quotes from that paper are relevant:

"Diagnosis. _Grammia_ is a mainly nearctic genus of about 30 species,
two of which, _qenseli_...and _turbans_..., also occur in the Palearctic
Region. It is the largest genus of Arctiidae in North America. _Grammia_,
_Notarctia_, and _Apantesis_ form a group of three essentially American

"Included species. I include in the genus _Grammia_ all of the species
under _Apantesis_ from number 8172 (_quenseli_) to 8199 (_arge_) in the
_Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico_ (Franclemont,
1983:117) with the exception of 8181 (_proxima_), which I tgransfer to
_Notarctia_. Also included are two new species which I describe below."

The checklist referred to is the MONA checklist, Hodges et al. Both
_parthenice_ and _virguncula_ occur within the range of numbers listed.

						Ken Philip
fnkwp at

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