Competition for food, literature question

Ernest Williams ewilliam at
Thu May 11 08:18:38 EDT 2000

Clench's interpretation has been challenged because the skipper community
he described did not exist as a long-time interactive community.  See Shuey
1986(87), J. Res. Lepid. 25(3):202-206.  Since John is active on this list,
perhaps he might like to comment further.

Ernest Williams

>	Norbert Kondla asked:
>> Anyone out there that can share some references with data to show
>> population limitation due to food supply (amount).
>	This is not exactly _data_, but it might be worth checking the paper
>'Temporal dissociation and population regulation in certain Hesperiine
>butterflies' by Harry Clench (Ecology 48:1000-1006, 1967). Clench posits
>temporal dissociation as a mechanism for distributing the demand on a
>limited supply of nectar.
>	It should be noted, however, that temporal dissociation also exists
>in _Clossiana_ in the high arctic, where plants are competing for pollin-
>ators, rather than insects competing for nectar.
>						Ken Philip
>fnkwp at

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