[LEPS-L:8032] "Aspitates" vs. "Aspilates"

Robert Dana robert.dana at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Nov 29 09:59:49 EST 2000

Thanks to all who responded to my request for information about the two spellings of this name. Gratifyingly, all the responses were in agreement about the facts. However, I am left with uncertainty about which spelling is technically the correct one to use at this point. My inference is that "Aspitates" would be preferred. 

Does anyone know why Treitschke emended the name? (Reference kindly supplied by Jeff Crolla: Treitschke, F.1827. Die Schmetterlinge von Europa (Fortsetzung des Ochsenheimer'schen Werks). Vol 6 (1): 126) Unfortunately, I don't have access to this, and don't read German even if I had it.

In case anyone is curious, my reason for posting the question is the presence at a remarkable prairie remnant in MN of A. aberratus assiniboiarius Munroe 1963. According to Munroe, this taxon occurs in the prairies of eastern Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The only reported U.S. occurrence is from this prairie in Clay Co., MN (unpublished manuscript by George Balogh and John S. Nordin). This prairie is habitat for a number of other prairie-restricted insects, including Megacyllene powersi, Hesperia assiniboia, and one of the best populations anywhere of Hesperia dacotae. A major portion of the remaining prairie is owned by the county, which is mining the site for gravel used in road maintenance. Documentation of the unusual biodiversity of the prairie is important in the effort to protect the prairie, and any error by conservationists, even a trivial one involving spelling, has the potential to be exploited as evidence that they don't know what they are talking about.

Perhaps subscribers to this list have experience with this taxon and can supply additional information about its distribution and biology? Anything would be much appreciated.


Robert Dana, Ph.D.
Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 297-2367
Email: robert.dana at dnr.state.mn.us


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