Jules Poirier lectures in British Columbia

Dick C. foo.dickcr at uswest.net
Sun Sep 17 10:40:37 EDT 2000

jarofclay at my-deja.com wrote in <8q17he$45q$1 at nnrp1.deja.com>:

>In article <8FB153046dickcruswestnet at>,
>  foo.dickcr at uswest.net (Dick C.) wrote:
>> Now, give his areas of work and study above, how does any of this
>> imply that he knows enough about the evolutionary history of insecets,
>> or even butterflies, to make any kind of statement about them?

>Poirier writes in:
>Design Features of the Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle
>by Jules H. Poirier

Very good, you have demonstrated for all just how biased and unusable
Poirier's ideas are.

Dick #1349
People think that libraries are safe places, but they're not,
they have ideas.
email: dickcr at uswest.net
Homepage http://www.users.uswest.net/~dickcr/

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