Field Guide Brochure

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Wed Apr 11 00:58:13 EDT 2001

It is true that one does not have to be a lepidopterist to write a
book.  However, the brochure's reference to 'law enforcement officials'
(if this is correct) may indicate that the level of the book may not be
very high.  In other words, it may not have needed experienced Ph.D.'s
in non-lepidoptera to put it together.  Lepidoptera, I feel, are really
unique in the insect world because of the tremendous use of highly
visible wing pattern and coloration to identify species, and the
tremendous amount of literature that exists for anyone, even a 16 year
old, to put together a book for law enforcement officials.  I think it
is much more possible for someone to put together such a book who is not
a lepidopterist, than it would be for a lepidpopterist to put together a
book on, say, common and endangered species of mosquitoes (unless there
are only a few mosquito species in Ohio.  If there are, then choose
another example).

Of course, I have not seen the book, nor do I know the authors who I am
sure are fine individuals.  I am not slandering these individuals with
this email message, nor is it my intent to do so.  My only purpose here
is to question some of the assumptions that seem to enter in judging the
potential quality of a book, any book, before it is seen, and to present
things from a different perspective.  My arguments are purely academic. 
I am sure this book is of the highest quality at its intended level.


Eric or Pat Metzler wrote:
> In reply to leptraps and gatrelle:  I know both of these fine men.  I've
> known John for years, and I recently met the co-author, a photographer.  Ken
> Philip said it best:  wait til you see the book.
> The reactions, I've seen, to the brochure - a very fine brochure, without
> seeing the book are alarmest at the best and slanderous at worst.  PhD
> trained and highly experienced entomologists need not be members of Lep Soc
> to write a fine book.  Jumping on them for their statement naming one
> intended audience without seeing the book makes no sense to me.  These
> statements are best saved for a review, which will occur in the next issue
> of The Ohio Lepidopterists, newsletter of The Ohio Lepidopterists.
> M.B. Prondzinski's observation about park rangers and naturalists is highly
> appropriate.
> It is finally warm in Columbus Ohio and leps are on the wing.
> Cheers to all,
> Eric Metzler
> "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at> wrote in message
> news:002b01c0c12d$03dd55a0$9b0f1218 at
> > I find neither of these gentlemen in the Lepidopterists' Society members
> > list. I find a "sign of the times" to have people writing regional
> > butterfly book who are not Lep. Soc. members! Well, now we know why they
> > did not say the book was for lepidopterists - and why it is for law
> > enforcement. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to see the Freudian slip
> > here.
> >
> > Lepsters are not assumed either. I have been writing articles and books
> for
> > over 25 years in several fields. I have worked with several editors - you
> > don't "assume" your main target audience - you target them. Especially in
> > advertising and marketing brochures. And you surely don't waste your money
> > seeking those beyond the  "normal" audience/interest. You don't try to
> sell
> > cook books to "law enforcement".  The sad fact is that in today's America
> > "law enforcement" is a part of the leps scene - and it has nothing to do
> > with any interest in Lepidoptera. They are not the bug police. They are
> > policing the buggers.
> >
> > RG
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <Leptraps at>
> > To: <gatrelle at>; <leps-l at>
> > Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 2:14 PM
> > Subject: Re: Field Guide Brochure
> >
> >
> > > The authors of "Field Guide to Butterflies of Illinois are:
> > >
> > > John K. Bouseman
> > > Associate Professional Scientist at the Illinois Natural History Survey
> > >
> > > Jams G. Sternburg
> > > Professor Emerritus of Entomology
> > > University of Illinois,
> > > Urbana-Champaigne and an affiliate of the Illinois Natural History
> > Survey.
> > >
> > > I do not have access to the lep, Soc. Membership List, however, I will
> > take a look at who they are tonight.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >  ------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >    For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
> >
> >
> >
> >


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