Binocular microscopes

Stuart Roberts spmr at
Fri Feb 9 14:42:16 EST 2001

Chris Raper <chris.raper at> wrote in message
news:0fb68t4g88c6ihlga6s5slvaibqgp6kj3h at
> On 8 Feb 2001 12:51:56 -0800, dylansteven at
> (Dylan Lloyd) wrote:

Chris wrote in response to Dylan's enquiry:

> >Do any readers have advice on the best options for purchasing a stereo
> >binocular microscope for entomological use in the UK.

> I have one of their EMZ scopes and a Mini-Fluor light - very good

So have I. It is excellent and, considering the quality, reasonably priced.
I have a SCHOTT light box/fibre optic cable & ring illuminator. These sort
of things are pretty well essential for providing a shadow-free illumination
to allow correct identification of many insect groups. Service is generally
excellent too.

> Also have a look at:

This is the other company I would suggest. They advertise regularly and
widely in the entomological and wildlife press here in UK too. Worth
consulting, although I suspect that the Meiji 'scopes would be more

Good Hunting

Stuart Roberts


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