Bacillus thuringensis - Quercus suber- Sardinia

Cris Guppy or Aud Fischer cguppy at
Fri Jan 12 22:01:24 EST 2001

I sent some references to Giovanni privately, but given Neil's response I
thought I would repeat publicly and add more. Neil is correct that there has
been little research, but there are a few published papers.
Johnson, KS; Scriber, JM*; Nitao, JK; Smitley, DR. 1995. Toxicity of
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki to three nontarget Lepidoptera in field
studies. Environmental Entomology [ENVIRON. ENTOMOL.], vol. 24, no. 2, pp.
288-297, 1995
Leong, K.L.H., M.A. Yoshimura, and H.K. Kaya. 1992. Low susceptibility of
overwintering monarch butterflies to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner.
Pan-Pac. Ent. 68(1):66-68.
Miller, J.C. 1990. Field assessment of the effects of a microbial pest
control agent on nontarget Lepidoptera. Amer. Ent. 36(2):135-39.
Miller, J.C. 1992. Effects of microbial insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis
kurstaki, on nontarget Lepidoptera in a spruce budworm-infested forest. J.
Res. Lep. 29(4):267-76.
Miller, J.C., and K.J. West. 1987. Efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis and
diflubenzeron on Douglas-fir and oak for gypsy moth control in Oregon. J.
Arboriculture 13(10):240-42.
Sample, BE; Butler, L; Zivkovich, C; Whitmore, RC; Reardon, R. 1996. Effects
of Bacillus thuringiensis berliner var. Kurstaki and defoliation by the
gypsy moth [Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae)] on native
arthropods in West Virginia. Canadian Entomologist [CAN. ENTOMOL.], vol.
128, no. 4, pp. 573-592, 1996
Scriber, J.M., and S.H. Gage. 1995. Pollution and global climate change:
Plant ecotones, butterfly hybrid zones and changes in biodiversity. Pp.
319-44 in Swallowtail butterflies: Their ecology and evolutionary biology,
edited by J.M. Scriber et al. Gainesville, FL: Scientific Publishers. vii +
459 pp.
Wagner, DL; Peacock, JW; Carter, JL; Talley, SE. 1996. Field assessment of
Bacillus thuringiensis on nontarget lepidoptera. Environmental Entomology
[ENVIRON. ENTOMOL.], vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1444-1454, Dec 1996.
Whaley, WH; Anhold, J; Bruce Schaalje, G. 1998. Canyon Drift and Dispersion
of Bacillus thuringiensis and Its Effects on Select Nontarget Lepidopterans
in Utah. Environmental Entomology [Environ. Entomol.], vol. 27, no. 3, pp.
A summary of Bt information, weak on non-target lepidoptera: Otvos, I.S.,
and Sandy Vanderveen. 1993. Environmental report and current status of
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki. Use for control of forest and
agricultural insect pests. Victoria, BC: Brit. Columbia Ministry of Forests.
vii + 81 pp.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Jones" <Neil at NWJONES.DEMON.CO.UK>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Bacillus thuringensis - Quercus suber- Sardinia
> In article <93jr50$t8u$1 at>
>            giovannimonaci at "Giovanni Monaci" writes:
> > I'd receive information about use of Bt kurstaki in natural forest of
> > mediterrane lands, and in particolar on Qurcus suber forests. The
effects of
> > use of Bt on natural alimentar cicles.
> > thanks
> > giovanni
> I don't think there is much published. I went through 125 volumes of
> abstracts a while ago looking for stuff on Bt there is very little
> on its effects on or behaviour in non-pest species.
> The only thing I have ever seen, apart from the recent stuff on Monarchs,
> was a short reference to Bacillus as a noticable pathogen in relation to
> the highly endangered swallowtail butterfly Papilio homerus from Jamaica.
> There is very little research on this pathogen's role in ecology.
> What is certain from evolutionary theory is that it that it is highly
> to be reliant on a lepidopterous hosts to survive.
> --
> Neil Jones- Neil at
> "At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
> butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
> National Nature Reserve
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