Population control (Religious content - read at your own risk)

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Fri Jan 26 01:42:45 EST 2001

So who is going to step forward as the first volunteer for elimination in
order to reduce the population mass?  Rather than one's self, perhaps one
could volunteer their spouse, kids, parents, friends, or other ethnic
groups. This is not going to happen - except for an occasional try at some
ethnic cleansing.
OK, let's educate people and hope they see the need for reproductive
planning - do their part so there will be a healthy planet with plenty of
environmental diversity around for their 0.75 great-grandchild. This is not
going to happen because vary large religious groups not only promote having
large families, but say childbearing is a sacrament that helps one gain
admission to Heaven.  Others feel they need to produce an abundance of
offspring because the mortality is such in their impoverished country that
they need to insure that some of their kids live long enough to take care
of them in their old age.
The push for human population control and then reduction, has been around
for a while now - but the avalanche still proceeds.
It is now fact that those in the 1960's who emphatically predicted that the
world could absolutely not exist with 4 billion people in the 80's - were
way wrong. So is the problem (assuming there is one) really one of
population, numbers - or is it the way we populate.
I am a firm believer that the reckless, dirty, sprawling, way humanity
populates is the much greater problem. God's original plan for humanity was
as steward of this planet - care-taker (Genesis 2:15). I believe in
"original sin" because humanity has become just a taker (Gen. 6:5). We
indeed are capable of so much that is constructive because, as the Bible
teaches, there is that of God in every man (Ecclesiastes 7:29, Proverbs
20:27, Zechariah 12:1, John 1:9). Yet the human legacy thus far is only one
of destruction, violence, hate, etc.
One of the reasons I believe the Bible is because it has been around for a
few thousand years now foretelling that in the end humanity would not only
destroy itself, but the Earth. No one 1,500 years ago could imagine that
people could ever have the wherewithal to destroy (corrupt) the Earth -
thus this is a divine revelation. The book also says that God will then
show up again and judge all those who have been corrupters (including of
the Earth - Revelation 11:18) after which he will make a new or (renewed)
one (Isaiah 66:22).
Simply put. Things are so screwed up that ultimately only God will be able
to put it back together again - and He will (Revelation 21:1, 22:20-21).
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