USGS data - Shuey-etc.

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Wed Jan 31 03:26:32 EST 2001

Dear Wanda,
    As I said this is a can of worms. Are you saying there was some kind of
power struggle in Lep. Soc. some time ago the rest of us do not know about?
You have brought up Opler and Robbins (of the Smithsonian), two pretty
imposing figures on the American leps scene - and "others".  Who are the
others? Can you tell us who?
    It sounds like you are implying that they wanted to implement some kind
of taxonomic policy from the Lep Soc roost and when they could not prevail
that they went their own way somehow? Surely you are not saying that. Opler
is a past Lep. Soc. president and Robbins is the current President for
Pete's sake.
    If something was on some board meeting docket and it got shot down, can
you tell us why it got shot down? And, what exactly is the "it" (plan?)
that got shot down?
    There is one thing in your post that does strike me as way off. You
said that Lep Soc "... would not even take the responsibility to come up
with a list of BFs -- in any way, shape or form..."  Then what do you call
the Lep Soc dos Passos list, the Lep Soc Miller/Brown list, and Lep Soc
Ferris list? And even the adopted Hodges MONA list -- chopped liver?
    Since you do not see Lep Soc as = to AOU, do you see NABA or USGS or
USFW as = to AOU?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dameron, Wanda" <be496 at>
To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at>
Cc: <Fred.Heath at>; "Leps-l" <Leps-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: USGS data - Shuey-etc.
> Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> >
> > Dear Fred,
> >     This may or may not be a can of opened worms. No, it is absolutely
a can of huge worms. So here goes. The following is not my idea - it is
what  I have been told by some who do both birds and butterflies. The
Lepidopterists' Society is to NABA, USGS etc. as the Ornithological Union
> > is to the Audubon Society.
> Dear Ron,
> The basic premise you were told is a complete fallacy.   It could not
> be further from the truth!  LepSoc would not even take the
> responsibility to come up with a list of BFs -- in any way, shape or
> form....   That is why Opler, Robbins and others were trying to set up
> something similar to the AOU, but got shot down....
> Cheers, Wanda
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