Names Committee worm cans

Felix Sperling Felix.Sperling at
Wed Jan 31 15:50:49 EST 2001

Rather than take up a lot of band width, I'll just point anyone
interested in the "names committee" can of worms to the archives of
Leps-l for March 2000
In my view, some of the key posts and their headers are:
1. Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:31,  "NABA names committee" by "Jane V Scott"
2. Tue, 28 Mar 2000 01:42,  "NABA Names Committee - explanatory
comments and a question" by "Felix Sperling"
3. Thu, 30 Mar 2000 05:48,  "Butterfly Names - survey results, a
question and discussion" by "Felix Sperling"
4. Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:31,  "NABA names committee" by "Jane V Scott"
5. Thu, 30 Mar 2000 19:59,  "Butterfly Names" by "Don Lafontaine"
        Felix Sperling
ps: my next post will be about Papilio - much more enjoyable.
>Dear Wanda,
>     As I said this is a can of worms. Are you saying there was some kind of
>power struggle in Lep. Soc. some time ago the rest of us do not know about?
>You have brought up Opler and Robbins (of the Smithsonian), two pretty
>imposing figures on the American leps scene - and "others".  Who are the
>others? Can you tell us who?
>     It sounds like you are implying that they wanted to implement some kind
>of taxonomic policy from the Lep Soc roost and when they could not prevail
>that they went their own way somehow? Surely you are not saying that. Opler
>is a past Lep. Soc. president and Robbins is the current President for
>Pete's sake.
>     If something was on some board meeting docket and it got shot down, can
>you tell us why it got shot down? And, what exactly is the "it" (plan?)
>that got shot down?
>     There is one thing in your post that does strike me as way off. You
>said that Lep Soc "... would not even take the responsibility to come up
>with a list of BFs -- in any way, shape or form..."  Then what do you call
>the Lep Soc dos Passos list, the Lep Soc Miller/Brown list, and Lep Soc
>Ferris list? And even the adopted Hodges MONA list -- chopped liver?
>     Since you do not see Lep Soc as = to AOU, do you see NABA or USGS or
>USFW as = to AOU?
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