The expression, "Dead Butterflies"

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Jun 8 14:10:34 EDT 2001

Sally wrote:
> I think there is something to be said for clarity. After all, a drawing
of a
> pinned butterfly looks different from a drawing of a live butterfly
> itself. And a specimen could be a giraff in a zoo or a rock. Since the
> "specimen" doesn't indicate dead or alive, plant, animal or mineral, I
> "dead butterflies" is more accurate than "specimen." When I tell someone
> that I will bring specimens, I mean live leps. Sally

Excellent point. Excellent point. Excellent point. Now lets look in the
mirror of it and see what is reflected back. Specimen is an unoffensive
word and (as Sally said) in all normal communicative situations does not
imply, much less automatically mean - dead.  (Time out. Fred, I am not
thinking about your use of this etc. I am composing an editorial to the
broad audience and - topic. You're cool with me.)

TIME IN.  Let's get real. There are those who really want to use the word
MURDER. And really really want to use the word MURDERER. The reason "those"
people use "dead specimens" is to promote their political (and make no
mistake about it - RELIGIOUS) AGENDA. If they are dead - the obvious
subliminal question is - "Who are the bastards that killed them?"  How did
the politicians say it?  This is a mean spirited smear on collectors. Get
real again. There is no collectING without collectORS (so quit trying to
hide behind semantics). Which is why "they" have vandalized collector's
equipment and are verbally abusive - in my book these are bigoted hate
crimes and are punishable as such under US law.

I am rarely around watch-onlys, but have heard them use the word murder
myself. This is alarming to me for if they will let their talk slip while
around me - how must SOME of them really talk and feel when we collectors
are not there? I have greatly appreciated the on and off line posts of
several sane watchers. BUT there IS a very radical segment within the
"watcher groups"-- so if those who say they have their head screwed on
straight really do, then it is totally up to them to shut these people up
in "your" publications, meetings, field trips etc. (You have no control
what "they" say in private). No nets or collecting allowed - but being your
mental white-sheet outfit and verbal bonfires. Is that the way it is? That
is how it looks to me and a lot of other people.

One more point to close my case. Do the people who have taken to using the
term "dead butterflies" rather than "spread or mounted specimens" think
anyone is so dumb that in looking at the pictures one might mistake them as
being alive?  (The female diana in the Audubon Field Guide is obviously
dead and mounted -fig. 656- in spite of the attempt to make it "look"
alive. )  The use of this phrase is not to inform - it is nothing more than
a subliminal smear campaign. (I am pro-life but there are crazy people
among P-Ls that bomb buildings and kill people - watchers, don't be so
naive as to think there can be no such crazies in your group.)

PS  Many terms in life are more accurate. We don't use them however, as
they are also inflammatory or derogatory.


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