Removing legs in nets--Lycaenids

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Sun Jun 10 04:10:45 EDT 2001

> PPS Let us know how the legs fare when you catch 37 blues.

Today I picked up 5 blues and 1 hairstreak. All 6 of these are intact as
regards both legs & antennae--nor was I taking unusual precautions to
retain appendages. However, I may have, in effect, been cheating as far
as handling the specimens goes--since I use small cyanide vials for both
moths and the smaller butterflies. Lycaenids get very litle handling until
I'm back at my lab. On the other hand, I always carry forceps in the field,
which are not the usual butterfly forceps, but standard forceps with tips
about 2.5 mm wide, on which the serrations have been ground down to produce
a flat grasping surface. With these I can grab the folded wings quite
firmly without damaging the butterfly--so I can check the underside of
a Lycaenid with no problems and release it unharmed, should I choose to
do so.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at

P.S. Should I give classes for new NABA members?  :-)


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