Hyles gallii

William Oehlke oehlkew at islandtelecom.com
Sun Jun 10 07:02:33 EDT 2001

Xi wrote:

"Just caught a male Hyles gallii tonight, well more like this morning
actually (~1:25 am), and I was just wondering 
a) if this would be considered early for this species?  I had always
thought that in my part of the continent that these guys emereged late
June to early July.
b) if there were any described subspecies for H. gallii?
c) whether females emerged a bit later than males.  Should I expect
females to be on the wing later in the week?"

a)  Hyles gallii fly from late May to July, with pupae near any sort of heat trap,  (e.g.south- facing foundation wall) 
emerging earlier than those in a cooler locale.  I am in Prince Edward Island and usually see them here from mid June to early July.
b) Hyles gallii intermedia is a poorly differentiated subspecies in N. America; there are other subspecies in Europe.
c) I usualy find males a day or two before females but that may be more of a coincidence than an actual pattern

There are nice pics and info at 
Tony Pittaway also has an excelent site at

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Bill Oehlke
Box 476, Montague, P.E.I., Canada C0A 1R0
oehlkew at islandtelecom.com
Phone: 902-838-3455
fax: 902-838-0866
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