Red Admiral migration

Sunsol SUNSOL at
Tue Jun 12 17:10:43 EDT 2001

Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote in message
news:3B204AC4.3A62 at
> Michael Gochfeld wrote:
> > Indeed, some fly low  and rise over
> > obstructions, but I see others flying more than a hundred feet above the
> > ground. This is a clear departure from last week.
> Michael, are the Red Admirals that are 100+ feet in the air in
> gliding/soaring flight or powered flight?  Are the high altitude
> Red Admirals flying over open flat ground or over areas with
> numerous obstructions in their path (e.g. trees, buildings, etc).
> Any idea what the wind speed and direction was when you
> observed the high altitude flights?  Are you confident the
> high altitude butterflies were Red Admirals and not Virginia
> Ladies?
> Paul Cherubini, Placerville, Calif.

I am curious about how high red admirals can fly, also. One person told me
that red admirals were laying in the courtyard of an office building
(perhaps three stories). Another said that was not possible because they
would fly over the top of that building and into the courtyard. All this is
hearsay. Anybody else know about red admirald habits?



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