False connection

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Jun 13 23:55:54 EDT 2001

Sorry Fred. Until I see changes in the position statements on the web site 
I shall remain most skeptical and take the statements at face value. They 
have done too much damage already.
..............Chris Durden

At 01:58 PM 6/13/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>         Now I am really confused. Paul is stating the official position of
>         Believe me there is no official policy to place restrictions on
>collecting. NABA does in its written statement encourage the enjoyment of
>butterflies through "non-consumptive" means. If you'd like you can
>substitiute "without collecting", but it is only by a pretty large stretch
>to get from there to the purpose of  "discouraging collecting". Again I
>personally know of no one, including, Jeff Glassberg that is
>         Has NABA taken a stand in writing about butterfly releases?
>Absolutely (it's on the web site). And this clearly doesn't include raising
>local butterflies for educational purposes. Although many might disagree, it
>again it not anti-collecting, as someone posted recently these are
>completely different topics.


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