False connection (not really)
Heath, Fred
Fred.Heath at power-one.com
Thu Jun 14 11:07:39 EDT 2001
Being closely involved with NABA since its beginning, it surprised
me to find out that there were anti-collecting editorials (which are all
written by Glassberg) in American Butterflies. Assuming that Jim was correct
and my memory was faulty, at his suggestion, I dug out the first five
volumes (from Feb 1993 to Winter 1997) and scanned the editorials for all
this anti-collecting propaganda. I could find none.
In fact, I found in the very first editorial the following: "Because
a number of people have asked about the position of NABA in regard to
collecting butterflies, the board voted to adopt the following policy
statement: Collecting butterflies is not included among the purposes of NABA
but NABA is not in opposition to other groups for which this may be a
legitimate purpose."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Kruse [SMTP:fnjjk1 at uaf.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 3:02 PM
> To: Fred.Heath at power-one.com; leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: Re: False connection (not really)
> on 6/13/01 12:58 PM, Heath, Fred at Fred.Heath at power-one.com wrote:
> Again I
> > personally know of no one, including, Jeff Glassberg that is
> > anti-collecting.
> I am amazed that no one has brought it up, so I will: read the editorials
> of
> the first 5 or so volumes of American Butterflies (NABA's publication).
> There you will find the proof of Jeff Glassberg's anti-collecting stance.
> James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
> Curator of Entomology
> University of Alaska Museum
> 907 Yukon Drive
> Fairbanks, AK, USA 99775-6960
> tel 907.474.5579
> fax 907.474.1987
> http://www.uaf.edu/museum/ento
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