Butterflies Nectar Preferences

Randy Emmitt birdcr at concentric.net
Sat Jun 23 09:15:47 EDT 2001


Last weekend we visited a private site that had Baltimore Checkerspots in 
their front yard. It had just rained when we arrived and about 5-6 of the 
Baltimore Checkerspots were perching on some kind of old fashioned rose. 
The roses were single to double and seemed to be a ground cover type rose. 
I`d speculate that the rain had somehow washed out the nectar and the 
checkerspots were taking advantage of it situation.  I was trying to get 
photos of the checkerspots, but they wouldn`t hang around on the roses when 
I moved in closer. With in an hour they ignored the roses altogether and 
went for the coreopsis along with the other 6-7 checkerspots at the site. I 
have photos of them at 

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Randy Emmitt Photography
Carolina Butterfly Society webmaster


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