Rolling Blackout demonstration for energy conservation-June 2 1
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
rjparcelles at
Sat Jun 23 15:25:28 EDT 2001
--- Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote:
> Bob Parcelles ,Jr. wrote:
> > I know and so does everyone else that malathion
> should
> > not have contact with humans.
> Malathion is so safe it is still approved (with a
> doctors precription)
> for application directly to the heads of children
> for insect control
> (head lice) according the the Centers for Disease
> Control
> Malathion is so safe it was sprayed directly on a
> good portion of the
> USA's wheat crop AFTER harvest in the 70's and 80's
> by thousands
> of farmers and grain elevators.
> This wheat would then go to General Mills and
> Bakeries
> and be made into your favorite breakfast cereal and
> toast. So everyone
> on this list (older than 20) has grown up on a diet
> that included Malathion
> residues.
> By contrast, NABA'S website describes malathion in
> the following
> frightening way:
> "malathion is in the same class of chemicals as the
> nerve gases such
> as sarin, and workers who produce malathion or blend
> it into final products
> as well as those who apply it, if not
> well-protected, can suffer agitation,
> sleepy difficulty and weakness, as well as anxiety,
> forgetfulness and
> depression."
The history of malathion use coincides with the rise
of cancers in our century. I used a lot of malathion
in the mid sixties, maybe that is part of the cause of
some chronic diseases I have.
Absense of correlation of data proves nothing!
Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates <rjpassociates at>
rjparcelles at
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
--William Shakespeare
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