Butterflies Nectar Preferences - roses they use

robert beiriger robert.beiriger at worldnet.att.net
Sat Jun 23 21:22:33 EDT 2001

Dear All:

I have seen several different haristreaks, including Atlides halesus,
Calycopis cecrops, Fixsenia favonius, and Parrhasius m-album, feeding on
wild roses in Central Florida.  I see them on it when there is no other
nectar souces around.

Robert Beiriger
Loxahatchee, FL
----- Original Message -----
From: Barb Beck <barb at birdnut.obtuse.com>
To: <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 6:31 AM
Subject: RE: Butterflies Nectar Preferences - roses they use

> Hi,
> Butterflies do nectar on some roses.
> On our ranch in California we had a huge rose garden.  This was at a time
> when only part of the oak grass woodland in the central valley of
> was broken and before no-till agriculture.  The area near Visalia
> was very very rich in butterflies.
> The butterflies ignored many of the roses in the garden but we had one
> a small dwarf rose (the bush was large)  which we called the "butterfly
> bush"   The variety was Cecil Bruner.  It had small pink  roses on it the
> size of a quarter to fifty cent piece in diameter when fully open.
> Although the butterflies appear to nectar form some roses I have never
> observed them on the wild roses we have growing abundantly here in
> Canada.
> Barb Beck
> Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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