early E. claudia--3rd try

Robert Dana robert.dana at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu May 31 16:32:25 EDT 2001

In a message several days ago, K. Kaufman posted this question:

Robert Dana, Ph.D.
Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 297-2367
Email: robert.dana at dnr.state.mn.us

>>> "Kenn Kaufman" <kennk at ix.netcom.com> 5/23/01 4:16:23 PM >>>

I was just in west-central Minnesota, the area just east of 
Fargo, ND, and was seeing only moderate numbers of 
Red Admirals (a few dozen per day before the cold front 
came in, nothing like the hundreds per day I was seeing 
in Oklahoma and Kansas at the beginning of May).  
I was more surprised to see several Euptoieta claudia 
(Variegated Fritillary).  On May 19 and 20, I saw a total 
of at least eight different individuals at various points in 
the eastern part of Itasca State Park, in Hubbard and 
Clearwater counties.  Although I can't claim to know 
Minnesota leps well, it struck me that this seemed quite 
early for E. claudia to be flying in numbers so far north. 
Has anyone noticed an early push of this species?  

Kenn Kaufman
Tucson, AZ
kennk at ix.netcom.com 

I tried to reply, but nothing came through, so I reposted my reply, and again nothing.

Once more:

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