Az. BF Book

Dameron, Wanda be496 at
Tue Oct 23 23:31:13 EDT 2001

The Az. Photographic Fieldguide by Bob Stewart, Priscilla & Hank
Brodkin, pre-ordered by LA-NABA, arrived and they are BEAUTIFUL!  Real
show pieces and well worth the wait!  I like it even better than the
"Com. BF of Calif." (which was also BEAUTIFUL) and of course many more
species (333 for all Az.). It has both upper and under portrayals of
most species, most in 1/4 or half page size with text on facing page,
giving key ID, similar species, etc. with ample space to make notes,

A special feature is a section of caterpillars and BF predators, often
w/butterflies.    Another section that I particularly appreciate, is a
full 15 pages of Az. rarities which is particularly helpful if you're
going into Mexico or are able to join SEABA & attend their annual Labor
Day Sonora, Mex trips......

I have a few extras for sale (& 3 copies left of Calif. BF) which I will
be taking to the Nov. 21 LA-NABA meeting or for order info:

Ken Warner will be presenting a special slide program on Belize
featuring BFs at that meeting. 

Interestingly, True BF species covered for nearby states makes it even
more valuable:   Calif. 68%, Colorado 74%, Utah 68%, Nevada 67%; New
Mexico 84%

						Cheers, Wanda

Wanda Dameron
Flutterby Press
LA-NABA, LepSoc, ATL, Lorquin, Xerces
23424 Jonathan St., Los Angeles, Ca. 91304
818-340-0365     be496 at


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