Common Names update

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Apr 1 19:13:36 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Quinn" <Mike.Quinn at>

mega snips

> PS: I don't recall mentioning my political persuasion. For all you know,
> voted for Nader!

Of course.  I wanted to be careful how I used the line "it's the subspecies
stupid"  to try to make it clear (to you and the readers) that I was not
saying _you_ were stupid.  Because you are not.  It is just a good line "
it's the __________ stupid" that now is useful in just about any debate due
to the famous "gotcha" from which it came.  It was the economy - stupid.
And this common names tussle is about the subspecific ones (that the other
lists totally of mostly ignore) not the specific ones (which are basically
all the same on all our lists).  The "your Clinton..." was not really to
you but to the many lurkers who probably did vote for him (at least liked
the line) and thus was a diversion tactic to keep them from objecting to my
using that line in a debate.  That is, one can't complain of a tactic or
policy when one's own team uses it.  blab blab blab.  Got to go.

I want to watch the B-ball game tonight and need to make myself get up at
3am to get into the field tomorrow.  I will address the other stuff when I
can fit it in. It is actually the best part of your post - in the sticking
one's chin out type of thing :-)



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