Jim Taylor drivingiron at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 5 10:00:03 EST 2002

Do all of you feel as gloomy as Ron re LEPS-L future?

Jim Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>
To: <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 9:07 AM
Subject: Re:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Taylor" <drivingiron at earthlink.net>
> Subject: Re:
> Anyone with an idea about how we can keep this sort of thing off the list?
> Larry, are you there?
> Jim Taylor
> ______________________
> Leps-l is a wide open list and virtually all of the spam I get comes
> through this - crack - in the web.  But it is the potential for viruses
> worms via the attachments that are allowed here that are the real problem.
> Leps-l is becoming a genuine risk - esp. to those with inadequate fire
> walls.  There are other lepidopteron orientated lists that are much more
> secure and spam has a much harder time finding a way to get through the
> security.  I think more people are going to those lists partly for this
> reason.
> Leps-l also has no format or moderation, thus it has no focus.  This is
> it is frequent for several things to be complained about.  In other words
> the smorgasbord is so wide that it is inevitable that in every thread X %
> of the list will either have no interest in it and thus complain and
> request it stop - or will be deleting half the posts unopened.  There is
> irritation either way.  And because it is not focused (too broad) it is
> very easy for arguments to develop between those in different factions.
> Then there are the issues of post length and number of post from
> individuals.   The list is geared to short posts (which lack topical
> due to many having limits on email accounts, slow hook ups, etc.; and even
> though we are told when we subscribe that we can expect around 25 posts a
> day that is considered very heavy traffic to many.  (I get about 50 to 100
> emails every day).
> All of the above is why more people are joining
> 1) limited access secure groups (like Yahoo!Groups) where attachments can
> be blocked .
> 2) focused specific interest lists (regional groups like Carolina leps) or
> brand name lists (NABA, TILS-leps-talk) that are geared to specific
> interests: only watching, or collecting, or educational, only moths or
> butterflies - and where people not only don't mind, but expect, to see
> promotion of parent organization and its agenda and products.
> 3) groups with active moderation and owners (southwest leps, carolina
> leps).
> 4) Yahoo lists where group members can set up an individual account with
> real options from all emails, daily digests, to no email (messages are
> accessed when you want to simply by going to a home page).
> When leps-l started there was nothing else.  That is no longer the case.
> There is no real substance here any more _compared_ to the other lists out
> there.  One list I am on was started just last November and already has
> almost 140 subscribers.  There is doubtless a sense of loyalty (and the
> always accompanying resistance to change) among the old timers on this
> list.  But leps-l is too nebulous and is becoming a spam hole and safety
> risk.  Nothing can be done about any of this as it is the product (a) of
> the nature (lack of format) of the list and (b) its mechanical set up.
> Ron Gatrelle
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>    For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
>    http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl


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