leps-l future

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Fri Apr 5 10:31:43 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Taylor" <drivingiron at earthlink.net>
To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>; <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Re:

> Do all of you feel as gloomy as Ron re LEPS-L future?
> Jim Taylor

I am running way late today on getting out to the field.  Two hour drive to
the area and now 10 !!!    Perhaps if someone at Lep. Soc. 15- to 20 years
ago  would have provided real leadership and given them 1) a good reality
check and 2) some vision that wonderful organization would not have been
made virtually irrelevant to most modern butterfly enthusiasts.

One can ignore fat or start doing something about it.   One can rest on the
past (K-mark) and let Wal-mart come along and put them out of business.
Leps-l just floats - like a ship without a sail or rudder.  If it drifts
into the rocks it is the fault of the captain and the crew - not the ship
OR the passengers.  Further, sometimes the old horse needs to be put out to
pasture and a car bought.

Now, am I gloomy about leps-l future?  I would say no.  But it is at a
cross roads and something should be done.  I am not one of those people who
only complain and offer no solutions.  I have been a leader and
entrepreneur in every area and stage of my life.  Here is one big step that
can be made.  Move the whole thing to a Yahoo!group.   All Larry has to do
is go to http://groups.yahoo.com/ and start it.  Then he just copies the
e-members list and puts everybody on.  Done.  About 30 minutes.  No one
even hardly know it happened.

People then have a lot more security.  They can post as long as and as many
a message as they want - and those with limited email accounts will only
need to get a Yahoo ID so they can access the home page to read AND send
messages.  No space from their limited email at all.  Further, a photos
section can be added and everyone can just post their pictures there to get
IDed etc. Larry can also authorize monitors who can deal with the problem
that he does not have time for (he really doesn't have the time needed for
involved supervision - so there needs to be deligation).

Or everyone can just subscribe to TILS-leps-talk -- which has already been
there and done that.  To subscribe:
TILS-leps-talk-subscribe at yahoogroups.com
But some will not want to as leps-talk is pro-collecting (as well as
pro-watcher) we also like lots of stuff related to taxonomy as well as
field reports and (even far side cartoons).   So it is not for everyone.
Which if we are listening is the bottom line.  Leps-l is trying to be for
everyone -- as time goes on and more (and specific) groups come on line
that will no long fly.



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