Anne Kilmer
viceroy at gate.net
Fri Apr 5 15:49:40 EST 2002
Jim Taylor wrote:
> Do all of you feel as gloomy as Ron re LEPS-L future?
> Jim Taylor
good heavens, no. I have belonged to Leps-l since it was a wee thing
infested with the same battlers that plague it now, and I am very fond
of all of them. I would be so sorry if my friends drifted away, although
I am a bit tired of cross-posts between TILS and Leps-L, for so many of
us are subscribed to both, and those that are not, are that way on purpose.
But I don't think I feel as gloomy as Ron about anything else, either.
He likes to sit far out on the end of the limb, and bounce, bless his
It would be nice if Leps-l could be set to refuse attachments. A recent
one tied up my computer for half an hour, and rather worried me. But
many of my current spams were acquired from good-old TILS' list, when
Yahoo decided to change everybody's preferences to
SPAM-AT-WILL-THE-MORE-THE-MERRIER so if we're casting blame, hey, nobody
is blameless.
Many of my leps-L buddies have become close friends, and we are now
engaged in a joyous conspiracy to restore the Miami Blue Butterfly:
Butterflies for Peace, complete with t-shirts and tote bags with
beautiful art ... and on Earth Day, we hope everybody in the world will
be wearing a Butterflies for Peace shirt, or at least looking at
butterflies with pleasure.
As for the Miami Blue Crew, most of the charter members are leps-l
enthusiasts. We haven't been hogging the show, lately, but from time to
time we wink and nudge each other ...
I am about to depart on the Wind Surf for two weeks at sea, and will
show up in Lisbon April 21 ... Dublin April 24 and will be back on line
probably April 26. So I hope my email will be loaded with wonderful
adventures and sightings when I return to it.
I hope Mark Walker will have gone some more places, I hope Chris Durden
will have agreed or disagreed with someone, and that the fur is flying
happily; I want to hear more about IBBA's Monarch tagging program, and I
hope they and Monarch Watch between them get every child in North
America (I include Mexico and Canada, I do, I do) out gardening for
butterflies and watching for Monarchs and Painted Ladies.
I want to look at Royce Bitzer's map and see how far north the Painted
Ladies have gone, and I'm hoping we get the rest of the world done, too.
I'm hoping more of us tell Colin about their Painted Ladies; there
should surely be quite a few of them flying by now.
I will be carrying my Miami Blue Crew tote bag prominently on deck, and
will stroll around Lisbon carrying it, so if you're looking for me,
that's how you'll find me.
Ron's TILS list is delightful, and people feel free to prattle on about
minutiae of nomenclature, or to rant about the unfairness of people who
fail to perceive the excellence and necessity of collecting, and folks
complain quite a bit about the dumbing down of lepidoptery, and do not
spare the long hard words where appropriate, and many of my best friends
hang out there, and it's a great, great clubhouse.
but it doesn't replace Leps-L, nor do I want it to.
I am about to change my preferences on the British lep thingie, and read
their messages, which I don't do when I'm not in Ireland, because I
don't do moths. And it stirs up my nostalgia too much.
I'll hang up Bob Parcelle's excellent Naturepotpourri, which he can
often spell right, now, and maybe catch up on it later. But I'm leaving
leps L to pile up in my mail box, because that's where I'll be wanting
to look first.
Gloomy? Heck no. Just a spell of spring fever.
And lay off the cross postings, gang.
Now go find some Miami Blue Butterflies for me, so I can go off with a
feeling of happy completion.
Anne Kilmer
Butterfly Coalition
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