
Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 11 11:53:25 EDT 2002

--- "P.s" <hybrid9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> A strange request...In june I will be doing a performance, and it
> involves the use of ca. 500 butterflies. In short, I will be
> sitting
> still, naked and covered in a sugarsolution, attracting hopefully
> newly emerged butterflies brought for the purpose, to come and land
> on
> me since I am covered in sugarsolution. This will happen either
> inside
> or outside, not decided yet, however, it will only last about half
> an
> hour or so.
> Now, I dont know how to go about it, in order not to inflict damage
> either do the butterflies or the local habitat. I believe local
> specimens is imperative, without knowing for sure (Estonia).
> How can I do this in the best way?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Hmmmmmmm! Quite a performance! May I ask is this a public or a
semi-private, more *discreet* performance. The reason I ask there are
several variables.

1) How much of you do you wish to cover? I for instance would need
LARGE butterflies.
2) How LARGE are you? Are you male or female? Oh, I see from your e
mail address, you are a "hybrid".
3) Do you have a permit for this?
4) Do you intend to wear this "buttefly shirt" for a while, since
some species are more active than others? Are you going to be moving
around? Why can you only last a half hour or so?
5) Is this exibition, excuse me ...performance, inside or outside? I
ask this because outside can be risky. Does Estonia have large,
painful ants? 
6) I know of breeders who can doe this but it takes time and money.
Do you have much time? do you have any money? You know butterfies are
not for free. I ask this because I have a fear that you may not be
gainfully employed. I fear, quite frankly, that you may not have much
time before the men in white suits with the nets might "collect" you
and return you to your mental hospital. 

I have I last question...Are you Rene Boutin? :)


Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates, C2M-BWPTi
rjparcelles at yahoo.com
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