Speaking of neotropical haristreaks

Guy_VdP at t-online.de Guy_VdP at t-online.de
Sat Apr 13 03:51:29 EDT 2002

"At last" I thought when I saw the title of this new thread.
"Maybe they will start talking butterflies again."


This has been written so many times before:
Neil stumbles into something because of his blunt usage of the English
somebody or several counter-attack;
Paul, I've asked you once before to leave the ghosts in the basement.
Don't let him out again.


Paul Cherubini schrieb:
> Heath, Fred wrote:
> > And remember, like our friend Neal,
> > Jeff has never said or written that he against 
> collecting. 
> Yes, but there's more to the story:
> Neil Jones wrote on 15 Mar 1996 08:50:10 
> http://biodiversity.uno.edu/archive/ento/0065.html
> sniped;
> "I will reiterate my firm view that I do not wish to see 
> collecting banned. 
> Furthermore the accepted scientific opinion is that 
> predation 
> affects populations. There is therefore a scientific 
> basis for restricting 
> collecting of endangered species. It does not matter if 
> the predation is  
> by Homo sapiens or any other creature. Predation can 
> affect populations." 
> Thomas Kral responded on Wed, 20 Mar 1996:
> http://biodiversity.uno.edu/archive/ento/0085.html
> sniped:
> "Most amusing is his claim that he does not wish to see 
> collecting 
> banned. Lets examine the accuracy of Neil Jones' claims. 
> I'll start by 
> quoting Dr. Robert M. Pyle in the December 1995 issue of
> No. 4, page 406.
> "The British group Butterfly Conservation, however, has 
> adopted an 
> anti-collecting stance that has alienated and tarred many 
> entomologists. 
> I hope this sort of needless polarization can be avoided 
> among North 
> American collectors and watchers."
> Though Dr. Pyle may have disclosed this fact to us only 
> recently, myself, 
> and so many others logged onto LEPS-L have known this for 
> quite some 
> time. Not all members of this organization are 
> anti-collecting, but 
> certainly its leaders, like Neil Jones, have directly 
> implied and even 
> stated this fact - and please don't try and argue with a 
> statement made 
> by Pyle - Mr. Jones you HATE buttefly collectors."
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