[leps-talk] Cut Off, LA - 4/24/02

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Thu Apr 25 16:14:16 EDT 2002

Yeah, or you trip over your pants and hop around on one leg along the road
shoulder while you try and get the foot through...  Great entertainment, I

Since I also usually am changing my shoes and socks, I'll typically put my
pants on with bare feet.  I have occasional trouble with placing my bare
feet back onto unfriendly ground surfaces - equipped with coral, sharp
stones, glass shards, thorny briars, sand burrs, cacti, 200 degree
temperatures, or fire ants.  It's amazing how much longer this list could
really be.  I'll spare you.

The whole shebang would suggest putting the pants on inside the vehicle, but
that results in a scenario that I've found to be much less humorous or
possible.  And even if I pull that off, I still have to get out of the car
with bare feet to put on my shoes and socks (getting out of the car with
socks is no good - you pick up way to much stuff that way that clings to
your socks).

With all the airport security and baggage concerns, I now find myself having
to stop somewhere near the airport to rearrange and repack my bags.  Net
decomposition, replacing boots with sandals, making sure all bugs are
labeled and put away, finding places in luggage to stuff all the
paraphernalia...  It's maddening, but you just can't do this stuff at the
rental car return facility.

Mark Walker.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Grkovich, Alex [mailto:agrkovich at tmpeng.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 12:48 PM
> To: 'Mark Walker'; leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Cc: 'lepstalk'
> Subject: RE: [leps-talk] Cut Off, LA - 4/24/02
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:	Mark Walker [SMTP:mwalker at gensym.com]
> > Sent:	Thursday, April 25, 2002 3:46 PM
> > To:	leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> > Cc:	'lepstalk'
> > Subject:	[leps-talk] Cut Off, LA - 4/24/02
> >
> >  Well, first I
> > needed to change out of my business attire - which is something I've
> > really
> > got to stop doing on the side of busy country roads.  I'm likely to get
> > arrested for indecent exposure, which could carry some cruel and unusual
> > punishment for strangers in unfamiliar places.
> 	[AG]
> 	Well, Mark, you have just got to learn to do it QUICKLY, you know,
> jump out, and then jump in. I take off all the unimportant pieces first,
> shirt, tie, socks, shoes, etc. replace them,  then switch the pants. No
> big
> deal. Except that once in a while I get something like a pant leg
> stuck.........
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