Miami Blue Restoration project

James Kruse fnjjk1 at
Fri Apr 26 16:07:25 EDT 2002

Sorry for the cross post. I try to do so sparingly.

on 4/25/02 11:44 PM, Anne Kilmer at viceroy at GATE.NET wrote:

> I have received this letter from Jeff Glassberg. As far as I know, the
> only Miami Blue project being carried on by the NABA Miami Blue and
> Atala Chapters is the Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project, which
> many of you are already involved in.
> Anne Kilmer
> Task Force Director
> Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project
On 4/9/2002 Jeff Glassberg wrote:
>  Because NABA is vitally interested in the conservation of this
> butterfly, we are continuing our efforts on the butterfly's behalf by
> organizing activities to study and conserve it.  We encourage all
> responsible individuals who are interested in this butterfly to join NABA's
> efforts on its behalf.  At the local level, these efforts are being led by
> the NABA-Miami Blue and NABA-Atala chapters.  Interested parties should
> contact these chapters. Contact information can be found at the NABA web
> site,
> Again, thank you for your interest.
> Sincerely,
> Jeffrey Glassberg

It looks like your project should be called the "NABA Miami Blue Butterfly
Restoration Project" since all credit for it is being taken by NABA. "Again,
thank you for your interest"??? I thought you had a major role in planning
the thing?!?!? Your organizing efforts were clearly explained in your letter
to him.  Really, you have put so much effort into this, and then not only
are you without thanks from that man, but he provides you information on how
to contact NABA (as if you don't know), and then you have to transitively
derive his support (Jeff supports NABA Miami Blue efforts; many of our
workers belong to the Atala/Miami chapter; no other Miami Blue project is
under way that we know about; therefore, Jeff supports the Miami Blue
Butterfly Restoration Project). You are truly a gracious person Anne!

> So those of you who have hesitated can jump in without qualms.

Without qualms from THAT "endorsement"??

on 4/26/02 4:34 AM, Bob Parcelles,Jr. at rjparcelles at wrote:

> It is quite heartwarming to have so many NABA
> members call and write asking to participate after the magazine
> article which I considered demeaning to our cause and our motives as
> well as our backgrounds.

Good, I am not the only one to think so, or have "read into" it.

> I have taken steps at high Interior Dept levels to recognize our worldwide
> effort and we are the Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project.

This is very good, but it is sad that "the leader" Jeff appears so loathe to
promote and recognize your efforts. I'm sure everyone else will be happy for
your successes!

We got 6-8 inches of snow overnight, and it's still coming down. The good
news is that we're over 16 hours of sun-up time now, so it won't last too
much longer...


James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
Curator of Entomology
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Drive
Fairbanks, AK, USA 99775-6960
tel 907.474.5579
fax 907.474.1987


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