Total Novice Covets Polyphemus

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Thu Aug 22 01:45:23 EDT 2002

I don't recall having seen the original message that prompted this
response. In the last few days, has there been any Leps-L messages
besides this one? My internet provider recently installed software to
screen SPAM and there is always the danger it will bar legitimate
messages. I need to know if this is happening.
Thanks for any responses to let me know.

Xi Wang wrote:
> Hi Duane,
> Actually, what you have is not a polyphemus, but a promethea moth.
> Notice the eye spot near the tip of the wings in your photo, which is not
> present in polyphemus.  As for your queries, yes, silkmoths are actually
> one of the easiest and most enjoyable to raise in my opinion.  I'm not
> sure if now would be a good time to raise them since I don't know what the
> weather is like at your locality, but it probably wouldn't be a good
> idea.  Since winter is fast approaching, any eggs you obtain now would
> likely run out of food during the middle of their development...unless
> you've a greenhouse.  It would be best to acquire the eggs in the spring,
> i.e. May-June.  Here's are some nice sources for info/supplies:
> Hope I have been of some assistance.
> Cheers,
> Xi Wang
> Duane wrote:
> > Greetings, all.
> >
> > I was fortunate enough to happen across this little fellow while I was
> > leaving my apartment last week...
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm not sure what sort of moth he is, but seeing him has really filled
> > me with the urge to dabble in raising moths.  I live in Maryland, so I
> > checked around to see what sorts of moths are "local".  It would
> > appear that the Polyphemus is onoe of Maryland's moths...
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a few questions, and I hope that the veterans of the group will
> > indulge me.
> >
> > [1] Is it reasonable for a novice to expect to be able to raise
> > Polyphemus?  If not, would I have an easier (and thus more enjoyable)
> > time starting off with an "easier" variety?
> >
> > [2] Can Polyphemus be raised in August and September?  I'd be raising
> > them indoors.
> >
> > [3] I haven't had any luck finding a source online for eggs or
> > livestock.  Might someone be able to point me in the right direction?
> >
> > Thank you in advance for your consideration.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Duane Roelands
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