Now that was worth repeating
Andrew Warren
warrena at
Sat Feb 2 17:31:46 EST 2002
Regarding the misunderstanding about the Lepidopterists' Society:
I think Ron said it best here. If all of NABA's members joined Lep. Soc.,
there would be a lot less finger pointing and misunderstanding!!! I am a
member of both, even though I have to seriously consider whether or not I
should continue my membership in NABA every year. If the one voice in
NABA doesn't address collecting issues soon, I will probably loose my
interest in that organization...
Andy Warren
On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Bob Parcelles,Jr. wrote:
> Ron Gatrelle Said:
> "I think the best way to bring more life into Lep Soc and
> harmony to all butterfliers is for the 3000 naba members who are not
> Lep. Soc members to join Lep.Soc. too and inject their freshness into
> the old gal. They we would all be what we should be - butterflying
> (and mothing) lepidopterists."
> I reposted this because it was a PS that caught some of the bodie and
> I bet a lot of you missed it.:) I think it is a great idea. It might
> bew a good idea for all of us to join NABA also. I know..."hard
> love".
> bob
> =====
> Bob Parcelles, Jr
> Pinellas Park, FL
> RJP Associates, C2M-BWPTi
> rjparcelles at
> "Change your thoughts and you change your world."
> - Norman Vincent Peale
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