Now that was worth repeating

Brian Scholtens scholtensb at
Mon Feb 4 11:54:45 EST 2002

I agree.  I have long wondered why the these two organizations can't
work together.  I too am a member of both.  It seems to me that NABA
could easily be the type of organization (and I think it should be
different than the Lep Soc - although I have similar reservations about
NABA leadership - e.g. why is the leadership not elected?) that actually
provides the Lep Soc with members over time.  There are scientists in
the Lep Soc, but there are all other stripes of people also.  It is what
makes it probably the most enjoyable "scientific" organization I belong
to.  At meetings, the conversations aren't always about science and
publishing, but about natural history, places we have been, things we
have seen, etc.  I look at the Lep Soc as much more a group of natural
historians with a similar interest (only one of many for most members).

Brian Scholtens


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