Endangered species act

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Fri Feb 8 12:10:36 EST 2002


These are great questions.  I'll be interested to hear what other responses
you get.

Technically speaking, killing a listed insect is illegal regardless of
ignorance.  According to the prevailing attitudes, this would make you a
felon (although I don't know if this is legally accurate).  I would guess
that if you were "collecting", and accidentally killed a listed insect, then
you could be in serious trouble.  Again, you would most certainly be
referred to as a felon and publicly smeared by some on this listserve.  Jail
would probably not be required, but stiff fines probably would.  You might
also get a thank you from the law enforcement officers for being the one to
tell them that you broke the law in the first place.

Most would probably agree that such treatment would not apply if you were
smooshing pesky bugs at your campground site.  An interesting double
standard, to be sure.

Mark Walker.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Smith [mailto:idleweed at tusco.net]
> Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 4:25 AM
> To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: Endangered species act
> Hello all,
>     I am interested in moths, especially micros. I frequently catch and
> kill
> moths that I do not know what species they are. What if one is an
> endangered
> species? What do I do with it? Should I destroy it so as not to be
> prosecuted? Could I turn it over to a museum?
>     What about people who use insect traps of various kinds? Are they
> liable
> if they kill an endangered species?
>     Maybe these examples would be considered accidental. If someone who
> doesn't know an ant from a butterfly stomps an endangered species on
> purpose
> because they don't like bugs can they go to jail?
>     Just curious as I truly do not know.
>         David Smith
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