Endangered species act

Todd Redhead todd.redhead at sympatico.ca
Sat Feb 9 09:46:36 EST 2002


I think you missed the point.  According to Mike - his friend had guns
(more than one) pointed at him with the threat of death (after all, why
else would you point a gun at someone) all for some roadkill.  In my
opinion - this is extreem!  Guns are given to law enforcement
individuals as a tool to both protect themselves and to help protect
society.  i.e. to remove rapists and murderers from the general
population.  I'm not sure that they were intended to be used to remove
roadkill collectors.  If Mike's friend had simply heard the telltail
...thump-thump... then kept on driving - he would have been better off.

There are far too many stories of the USFWS acting in this way to just
chalk them up to conspiracy theories or simple exaggerations.

Just my honest opinion,


Kenn Kaufman wrote:

> Mike Soukup wrote:
> >As an example, I know a man who collected dead birds on
> >the road and used them to practice taxidermy.  Well, of course
> >he had some "songbirds".  A man from USF&W heard of him,
> >befriended him for 6 months (never telling him he was USF&W
> >- actually had dinner with him and his wife), then had him
> >arrested (by dozens of armed USFW folks pointing guns
> >at them).
> I'm fascinated by the "dozens of armed USFW folks pointing
> guns at them."
> Dozen = 12
> Dozens = by definition, has to be at least 24
> If your friend was actually held at gunpoint by 24 or more
> federal agents, that's quite impressive.
> On the other hand, you wouldn't be exaggerating, now,
> would you?
> Kenn Kaufman
> Tucson, AZ
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