Quote without (much) comment

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Sat Jan 5 08:41:02 EST 2002

Mark Walker wrote:

> Patrick Foley wrote:
>>Which is the bigger world problem: overpopulation or Paul 
>>Ehrlich's tendency
>>to overstate things?
> Well, I have to admit that my impression was that even if Ehrlich got the
> dates a bit wrong, he will probably at some point be considered quite the
> prophet.  I'm rooting for at least an order of magnitude percent error, and
> hope that my children's children's children will not yet experience such
> gloom - but it will no doubt occur at some point.  Of course, there are many
> prophets whom preceded Paul Ehrlich that had long predicted the carnage.
> Welcome to The Machine.
> Mark Walker
> Oceanside, CA

Yo, guys,
May I point out that if there's a prophecy, and folks all run around and 
say ohmigod we gotta do something, and by golly they *do* something: 
they develop food supplies for a larger population, and start 
disseminating health information, including how to limit your family but 
not lose the children you do have ... and we all jump in and fight about 
it and work on it, and slowwwwwly, slowwwwwwly, the great thing begins 
to totter back from the edge of the precipice ...
So now we're going to point at the prophet and say, ahah, you were 
wrong, the world didn't come to an end after all.
Give me a break.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida


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