Southern Lepidopterists' site
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Mon Jan 7 15:39:15 EST 2002
James -- A link to our S. Leps site has been included in the TILS links
page. Everything looks real good. We have needed this for a long time.
As the SLS Coordinator for South Carolina, I hope we get a lot of traffic
and interest in our long established organization.
All -- In addition to the info provided below by James, I would like to
point out that two states in this region my be the least researched in the
lower 48 - Alabama and South Carolina. The leps of North Carolina and
Georgia are fairly well known (understood) along with Mississippi and
Florida. But throughout the South there is lots of work to be done
especially with its moths. In many parts of the County new county records,
or new life history information, are about the most exciting things a
local can hope for. Here in the South - especially in the region of non
montane SC, north FL, non montane GA and AL - there are undiscovered or
undocumented butterfly species/subspecies and lots of work to do. The area
of the Old South is a great place to live and work - it is _very_ diverse
in all ways social, economic and natural. Ya'll come see us some time.
(This Iowa Yankee was won over long ago.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. James Adams" <jadams at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:06 AM
> Listers,
> Just wanted to let you know that the Southern Lepidopterists'
> Society's website is now up and running. The area covered by the
> Lep. Soc. includes from Virginia through the Gulf States to Texas,
> including Tennessee and Arkansas. Considering that the Appalachians in
> east include some significant northern influences, Florida includes some
> significant Caribbean influences, and Texas includes some significant
> Mexican and western U.S. (Arizona, New Mexico) influences, membership in
> the society should be of interest to a significant portion of those
> in the U.S., and even some outside the U.S. The website can be reached
> Highlights of the site include a UFO page, where you can post
> images for identification. We will take submissions from anywhere, and,
> with a number of members who have some significant expertise in the fauna
> of a large portion of the U.S., you will likely be able to get at least
> educated guess at the identity of your unknowns. We would prefer
> electronic image submissions (jpeg), but can even deal with through the
> mail submissions of photos and slides (though turn around time will be
> significantly longer). You can also submit sight/specimen records to
> people in the states covered by the society (though unusual records would
> require at least a sharp photo, if not a specimen). Submissions of
> articles for inclusion on the website or in the newsletter can also be
> directly from the website.
> We encourage y'all to visit. We hope you like the site, and
> encourage you to use the interactive submissions features.
> Thanks go out to Dave Morgan, who is our webmaster and obviously
> instrumental in getting the site up and running!
> James K. Adams, Chairman 2002
> Southern Lepidopterists' Society
> Phone: (706)272-4427
> FAX: (706)272-2235
> Visit also the Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
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