New Zealand leps

Mike Soukup mikayak3 at
Mon Jan 7 18:30:09 EST 2002

And, since Rohan is now, in reality, located in NZ, it will even make all of
the LOTR fans happy!!!

"John R. Grehan" wrote:

> At 03:53 PM 1/7/02 -0500, you wrote:
> >Mark is very eloquent as usual, but aren't there any butterflies
> >anywhere? MIKE GOCHFELD
> I guess that's the price of presumably most people (including myself)
> active on the list being located in the northern hemisphere where its
> pretty quiet right now. If I had my old books I could write some notes
> about New Zealand butterflies and moths for northern winter postings -
> not that I have extensive knowledge about either. Anyone going that
> way will be in for a disappointment for butterfly diversity (about 26 or so
> including exotics) although moths are quite strong with about 1760
> Lepidoptera in total. A couple of the New Zealand butterfly species
> were only discovered in  1978! To help while away the northern winter I
> think I'll find a few minutes to post some notes
> from publications to hand - if its not too boring to hear about species
> that most on the list may not be familiar with.
> John
> John Grehan
> Frost Entomological Museum
> Pennsylvania State University
> Department of Entomology
> 501 ASI Building
> University Park, PA 16802. USA.
> Phone: (814) 863-2865
> Fax: (814) 865-3048
> Frost Museum
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