Key West leps next week?
Jane Dillonaire
JDillonaire at
Tue Jan 8 09:45:53 EST 2002
Randy -
I just returned yesterday from the Keys. The weather last week was cold and
overcast or raining most of the time - lousy for vacationing but the cold
helped keep the mosquitoes at bay somewhat. Though it wasn't a lepping trip
per se, I did have the incidental sighting here and there (eyes always open
of course). We spent the first few days in Key Largo where I was welcomed
by 2 sightings of Heraclides cresphontes nectaring at the profuse plantings
of bouganvillea at the motel. Also spotted what I think was Danaus gilippus
(didn't get a good close look) soaring through the parking lot one morning
as the sun struggled to get through the clouds. Our last evening there, we
were entertained by a sphinx moth nectaring nearby while we enjoyed our
coffee after an early dinner.
Phoebis spp were a common sight in Key West where we spent the next few
days. They were especially numerous nectaring at yellow-flowered Senna
shrubs at roadsides. We had one sunny day in Key West, one day with
tornado/waterspout warnings, and one rainy day. Why do they call it "Sunny
Florida" anyway?
The best weather and therefore best lep sighting opportunities occurred
while we were in Everglades National Park. Very much worth the drive up
from the Keys. While there, we had great opportunities to photograph the
numerous Anartia jatrophae and a thrilling shot of a single Limenitis
archippus floridensis (at Royal Palm visitor's center) along with the
obligatory shots of 'gators, anhingas, egrets and herons. At Flamingo
Visitor's center we were lucky enough to see two endangered american crocs
in Flamingo Marina but few butterflies (it was approaching evening and the
wind was picking up). My sister was harassed by a confused sphinx moth that
evening who was apparently attracted to her yellow sweater and/or Pepsi.
Next trip I will definitely plan more time in the Park. May be a good place
to camp out on the way down - but bring lots of mosquito's
been a pretty wet "dry season" :) I hope the weather is better for you than
it was for us.
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