Glassberg tells reporters collectors "could wipe out" the Miami Blue

Neil Jones Neil at
Thu Jan 10 08:13:20 EST 2002

On 10 Jan, in article
     <003a01c199c8$66eb7360$3c1c58d9 at server> Guy_VdP at
     "Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus" wrote:

> Here we go again.
> I came on this list when TK had just been convicted. There were endless
> debates over collecting versus not-collecting.
> My first keyboard went bad (just one key).
> I don't know if you (Paul) do this to provoke Neil to write another series
> of well-ment but badly worded mails, but to me it looks like it.
> TK was thrown off this list, and his venom with him. Please, don't let him
> back in through the back door.
> Guy.

To clarify the point to newcomers the details on the felon Thomas W. Kral
AKA "He Who Must Not Be Named" may be found at
It contains a picture of him which I have obtained. A press release about him
and certain quotes from his 85 page indictment.
I am not going to be provoked into replying this time. Anyone with any sense
knows not to take this crook seriously. Certainly quoting him like this is
not a good idea.

Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve


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